Beneath a purple poster for the Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and between shelves of books, a third grader slides into the vinyl dentist’s chair.For most of the…
The Corner Health Center in Ypsilanti is a place adolescents and the children of adolescents can get affordable, high quality health care. Staff and…
Earlier this year, JacquisePurifoy had a problem many people are familiar with. Purifoy is an attorney, but she was between jobs and tangled in health…
Royal Oak based Beaumont Children's Hospital is trying to raise awareness about a kids health disparity that until now has not gotten much attention, the…
Earlier this month, we came across this article in the Washingtonian entitled "Children Are Dying." It blew our minds. Could babies really be dying in…
Reporting on a University of Connecticut study, The Atlantic prettied up data on how parents around the world describe describe their children.Sarah…
Yesterday, the White House released its budget proposal for the coming fiscal year, and we got our first detailed look at how the President intends to pay…
Here at State of Opportunity we write stories about children who are considered 'at risk'. We often correlate being 'at risk' with one's racial group or…
Tuesday night's election results not only offered President Barack Obama a second chance to get the economy moving, it also allowed his signature policy…
Dustin's Dwyer's post on us all being defined in part by our brains when we were 4 years-old had me thinking, worrying actually, about people who were not…