STATE OF OPPORTUNITY. Can Kids in Michigan Get Ahead?
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This special reporting project wrapped up in May 2017. Read more.

Lesson of the year: get to kids early

State of Opportunity started broadcasting this July, so we only have half a year of reporting under our belts.  But we’re going to use the end of the year as a chance to take a look back and try to create a vision for the next year nonetheless.

When we stared this project the idea was that there are some issues we’re just not talking about as a state; and they are poverty, children and how the deck may be stacked for or against a kid from the instant they begin to grow in their mothers bellies. These things will make or break Michigan’s collective future.  But we don’t talk about it because it can be challenging, or sad, or just awkward.

We have reported stories this year that do have some of those moments, but we’ve also reported your stories, told you things you might not have known, and connected you with people and places you knew little about.

If you haven’t yet traveled this road with us it’s o.k., jump right on board now.

Over our three years we’ll journey with kids from before they are born until they become adults.  But right now we’re focused on moms, babies, and preschoolers.

Here’s where our reporting has taken us so far:

In the New Year we’ll be bringing you more stories like these, a couple more documentaries, and some work from youth journalists in the small town of Stockbridge.

As always this is a proverbial two-way street. We haven’t done much coverage of men and fathers, the best opportunities for kids money can buy, and emerging strategies that can work with at-risk kids. If you have stories about these topics we invite you to share them with us and become a part of State of Opportunity.