STATE OF OPPORTUNITY. Can Kids in Michigan Get Ahead?

Ideas & Stuff: Get out your foam finger---we're number #35!

Michigan ranks number 35 out of 50 states in providing educational, economic, and community involvement opportunities for its citizens, according to theOpportunity Index

Opportunity Nation, a bipartisan, cross-sector campaign, and Measure of America, a project of the Social Science Research Council, joined forces to create the index. The numbers aren't concerned with keeping up with the Jones, or the Kardashians for that matter, but comparing state scores to the nation.  Michigan's overall score is 48.8 compared to a national average of 50.9. 

While Michigan's scores in all three categories are close to the national average, looking at the data begs the question: who wants to be average? Or even only meeting the national average?

The Opportunity Index's main point is that life circumstances shouldn't be dictated by zip code. Highlighting the actual numbers related to inequality, the campaign organizers hope, will "help identify concrete solutions to lagging conditions for opportunity and economic mobility." 

How do your personal circumstances compare to the rest of Michigan and the national average?


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