To educate our readers and avoid being redundant, we're creating a series of "explainer" posts on the topics we refer to a lot. This is one of them.Here's…
Suicide is a major public health problem for American Indians. The suicide rate for American Indian teenagers in particular is 2.5 times higher than the…
Organizers of the Get the Lead Out program in Grand Rapids are trying right now to get the word out for people to apply for assistance with lead removal…
Here's the dilemma: You are one of the many American parents with a kid in day care. The kid gets a sniffle or a cold. The day care calls you to take them…
Times are incredibly tough for Native American children. Poverty, unemployment and abuse are just some of the issues plaguing the nation's tribes,…
In Michigan, thousands of kids suffer with diseases that are worsened by poverty and pollution. It's a combination that's costing society far more than…
Reports about pollution and environmental degradation can easily seem like something that happens somewhere else. And when the impact isn't visible on the…
Monday's Morning Edition broadcast featured an interview with 23-year-old Amina Salwan, a survivor of chemical attacks in Syria. In her conversation with…
A new study about race and car seat safety was released today. Since the press release came out, there's been more focus on race and less on safety. Not…
How We Talk about TraumaUsually we think of childhood trauma in terms of the social and emotional issues that can manifest later in life. Which certainly…