STATE OF OPPORTUNITY. Can Kids in Michigan Get Ahead?
Stockbridge is a village similar to many places around the state. The economy is tough, industry has gone, and the school system is one of few ways kids from the town can get a leg up. This is an inside look into this small town school district trying to make sure their kids have educational opportunity, even in the face of shrinking state aid and a tough economy. In addition to Sarah's reports, the Stockbridge project has moving and interesting radio stories, audio diaries, and photography from youth journalists at Stockbridge High School.

Real life in Stockbridge, MI: the pre-K to high school perspective

Part of the State of Opportunity's mission is to hear the stories of listeners as they experience their local communities. One of the best kinds of community engagement happens when we teach new skills or help others enhance the skills they already have.  What reporter Sarah Alvarez and Michigan Radio intern Logan Chaddee found in working with the 17 young people in Elizabeth Cyr's journalism class is that they have a wealth of insight into interviewing their peers and getting at the "real" story.

In their proximity to their peers and on the cusp of young adulthood, they told their own stories and that of their classmates to give us a picture of their lives in one small, rural community. Some have aspirations beyond Stockbridge. Others love the place they're from and wouldn't think of leaving. This slide show and their audio stories show us a well-rounded and vibrant Michigan educational community as they go about the business of preparing their students for grade school, high school, and beyond. 

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